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  • Le Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze

    Officially founded in 1999


Musée canadien de l'arme et du bronze

Armes – Timbres – Monnaie – Sculptures
Admission and Schedule

The Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze is now open to the public.

Procedure for a donation

To make a donation to the Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze just fill out the donation form.

Become an identifier

Help us to identify the firearms submitted in this section.


Discover the Board of Directors of the Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze.


There are several ways to contribute to the development of the Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze. For all donations of money or property, a tax receipt will also be issued.

I want to make a donationInformation on donations

  • The collection of civilian and military firearms of the Museum occupies a prominent place.

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  • Obtained by the alloy of copper and tin, bronze is the first metal that men learned to artistically shape in antiquity.

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  • To illustrate the history and the cultural diversity of the Canada, the collection consisting of pieces mostly from the Canadian Mint, the Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze is packed with true works of art.

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  • The last major block of collections in the Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze, the numismatic pieces are closely related to the collection of coins and by this, the illustration of Canadian history and its cultural diversity.

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The Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze is a member of the Association of Canadian Museums, the Société des Musées Québécois, the Organization of Military Museums of Canada, the Lower Canada Arms Collectors Association and the International Committee of Museums and Collections of Arms and Military History.

Fermeture hivernale - Réouverture le 5 avril 2025!

Durant notre fermeture hivernale, les visites au Musée seront possibles pour les groupes de 15 personnes et plus. Réservation obligatoire. Dès le 5 avril prochain, le Musée réouvrira ses portes sur réservation seulement. Au plaisir de vous recevoir!