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The Money

Illustrating the history and cultural diversity of Canada, the collection of coins, mainly Canadian, of the Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze is full of genuine works of art. Though each one of us uses and recognizes them, only a select few realize that coins were cast in solid gold and precious metals. The collection of the Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze includes the most beautiful coins to be issued from the Royal Canadian Mint, some of which are extremely valuable.

La monnaie

The Coins Show Our Rich History

Canadian coins are among the finest and most sought after in the world. Themselves pieces of art, certain coins in the collection, never intended for circulation, are incredibly precise and wonderful. With their expressive designs created by Canadian artists, they pay tribute to our greatest national achievements as well as illustrating Canadian landmarks, wildlife scenes and our rich history.

Fermeture hivernale - Réouverture prévue le 5 avril 2025!

Durant notre fermeture hivernale, les visites au Musée seront possibles pour les groupes de 15 personnes et plus. Réservation obligatoire. Au plaisir de vous recevoir!