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The Musee Canadien de l’arme et du Bronze is a member of the Canadian Museums Association, the Société des Musées Québécois, the Organization of Canadian Military Museums, Lower Canada Arms Collectors Association and the International Committee of Museums and Collections of Firearms and Military History.


The City of Granby, “Service for the Coordination of Leisure, Arts, Culture and Community Life”, recognizes the importance of non-profit organizations involved in the world of culture and having economic and social benefits for its community.

City of Granby

Association des musées Canadiens

Canadians Museums Associations (CMA)

The Canadian Museums Association is the national organization dedicated to the advancement of the Canada museums. The CMA represents the professionals in the museum sectors and overseas the Museums Canada.

Canadian Museums Association (CMA)


Organization of Military Museums of Canada Inc.

The Organization of Military Museums of Canada Inc. (OMMC) is a group of organizations and individuals who are committed to the preservation of military heritage and organization of military museums of Canada.

Organization of Military Museums of Canada Inc. (OMMC)

La Société des musées québécois (SMQ)


The Société des Musées Québécois (SMQ) brings together and represents museums (museums, exhibition centres and interpretation sites) as well as professionals of musicology of Quebec.

Société des Musées Québécois (SMQ)


International Committee of Museums of Arms and Military History

The International Committee of Museums and Collections of Arms and Military (ICOMAM) aims: encourage the study of weapons, armory, artillery, fortifications, uniforms and flags, and develop contacts between museums and institutions that deal with the conservation of such objects. ICOMAM is the only international organization that studied thoroughly this subject from a musicological perspective.

International Committee for Museums of Arms and Military History (ICOMAM)

l’Association des Collectionneurs d’Armes du Bas-Canada

Lower Canada Arms Collectors Association

The Lower Canada Arms Collectors Association, a non-profit organization formed in 1960 by a small group of passionate collectors, is proud to be one of the oldest of its kind in the Eastern Canada. This is, needless to say, the oldest association of Quebec arms collectors.

Lower Canada Arms Collectors Association

Fermeture hivernale - Réouverture le 5 avril 2025!

Durant notre fermeture hivernale, les visites au Musée seront possibles pour les groupes de 15 personnes et plus. Réservation obligatoire. Dès le 5 avril prochain, le Musée réouvrira ses portes sur réservation seulement. Au plaisir de vous recevoir!