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Firearms of the Museum

The collection of civilian and military firearms occupies a prominent place in the museum. Developed in partnership with the various Canadian police forces, and with the contribution of private donors, this collection includes swords, handguns and rifles from the 19th century to today. The museum also highlights the importance of weapons technology in the contemporary world and in the evolution of societies, allowing the visitor to gain awareness of a firearm, represented symbolically as work of art.

Fermeture hivernale - Réouverture le 5 avril 2025!

Durant notre fermeture hivernale, les visites au Musée seront possibles pour les groupes de 15 personnes et plus. Réservation obligatoire. Dès le 5 avril prochain, le Musée réouvrira ses portes sur réservation seulement. Au plaisir de vous recevoir!