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Museum Collections

The Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze has chosen to focus on the acquisition of its four key areas: firearms, bronze sculptures, coins and stamps. Through its paintings by great masters, its invaluable sculptures, its firearms which are steeped in history and dozens of works of art and other artifacts, the Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze is undoubtedly distinguished by the volume and quality of its collection.

When they are in symbiosis, these four areas allow visitors a better understanding and appreciation of the various collections on display at the the Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze.


The collection of civilian and military firearms of the Museum occupies a prominent place.


Obtained by the alloy of copper and tin, bronze is the first metal that men learned to artistically shape in antiquity.


The last major block of collections in the Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze


The collection of the Musée Canadien de l’Arme et du Bronze includes the most beautiful coins to be issued from the Royal Canadian Mint.


Canadian coins are among the finest and most sought after in the world.

Fermeture hivernale - Réouverture le 5 avril 2025!

Durant notre fermeture hivernale, les visites au Musée seront possibles pour les groupes de 15 personnes et plus. Réservation obligatoire. Dès le 5 avril prochain, le Musée réouvrira ses portes sur réservation seulement. Au plaisir de vous recevoir!